Revert "Fix order of result content"

Julien LepillerThu Jul 29 18:46:06+0200 2021


namelast commitdate
haunt-i18n.scmAdd language menuWed Jul 21 13:59:19+0200 2021
i18n.scmTranslate for uk and zhMon Jul 19 23:41:52+0200 2021
jibiki.scmRework dictionary generationMon Jul 19 23:26:26+0200 2021
jmdict.scmRework dictionary generationMon Jul 19 23:26:26+0200 2021
kanjidic.scmAdd kanjidicWed Jul 21 13:59:22+0200 2021
list.scmFix kanjidic description indentationWed Jul 21 14:16:04+0200 2021
radk.scmRework dictionary generationMon Jul 19 23:26:26+0200 2021
theme.scmUse correct badge for UkrainianThu Jul 22 16:09:42+0200 2021
wadoku.scmRework dictionary generationMon Jul 19 23:26:26+0200 2021