Generate Ukrainian website version

Julien LepillerMon Jun 22 22:47:04+0200 2020


namelast commitdate
.gitignoreUpdate READMEWed Apr 17 11:34:40+0200 2019
COPYINGAdd licenseThu Apr 11 23:50:22+0200 2019
MakefileGenerate Ukrainian website versionMon Jun 22 22:47:04+0200 2020
README.mdMention weblate in Readme.Mon Jun 15 21:53:24+0200 2020
css/Add website pages and translationsWed May 15 10:30:32+0200 2019
haunt.scmAdd website pages and translationsWed May 15 10:30:32+0200 2019
images/Add website pages and translationsWed May 15 10:30:32+0200 2019
jmdict.mkMove jmdict stuff to its own makefile.Mon Jun 22 22:45:19+0200 2020
manifest.scmMove jmdict stuff to its own makefile.Mon Jun 22 22:45:19+0200 2020
modules/Fix missing source information in JMdict.Mon Jun 22 22:45:45+0200 2020
pages/Add wadoku, separate i18n, build dictionary listWed Jun 03 20:45:27+0200 2020
po/Update Ukrainian translation.Mon Jun 22 22:46:11+0200 2020
radicals.mkMove jmdict stuff to its own makefile.Mon Jun 22 22:45:19+0200 2020
tools/Fix i18nThu Jun 11 18:06:21+0200 2020
wadoku.mkGenerat pitch accent dictionarySat Jun 06 00:51:58+0200 2020


This repository contains the code for the website of the Nani project. It uses haunt to build a static website and some guile code to generate dictionaries and downloadable content for the project.

Building and testing


To build the website, you will need the following software:

As well as more common software:

The easiest way to do this is to use guix and install the necessary components in a temporary environment:

guix environment --ad-hoc guile haunt

Testing locally

To test the website, build it with:


This can take quite a lot of time because it needs to build a lot data.

Then run a server with:

haunt serve

You can now connect to localhost to view the website.

Updating dictionary data

Dictionaries are served by this website. The first time you build the website, make will take care of downloading the necessary data and building the dictionary files. Later, it will not download the files anymore, but you can update them explicitly with:

make download


You can contribute in multiple ways:

Report a bug, request improvements

Well, you can use the Issues button on the left :)

Translate the website

Translations are managed on Fedora's Weblate platform. Below are additional information in case you do not want to use that platform.

If you want to translate the website, you can do so by downloading the .po file corresponding to your language in the po folder, or the po/nani.pot file if there is none yet. Then, you can use poedit for instance to load and modify the file. Once you're done, save it and send it to me via an issue, a merge request or simply by email, whatever is more convenient for you, dear translator :)

Improve dictionary generation, add a new source, ...

Please discuss these in the issues for the app, not in this repository. Thank you :)