desktop-services is now a procedure

Julien LepillerSat Aug 10 18:26:01+0200 2024


namelast commitdate
certbot.scmInitial commitSat Mar 23 11:03:14+0100 2019
desktop.scmInitial commitSat Mar 23 11:03:14+0100 2019
dns.scmMove dns entrySun Jul 28 18:52:18+0200 2024
iptables.scmAdd iptables serviceFri Jan 31 19:03:35+0100 2020
mail.scmComment reject rule that rejects mail to selfSun Jul 28 18:53:05+0200 2024
network.scmFix typoSat May 29 22:39:47+0200 2021
os.scmRemove unneeded nss-certs packageSat Aug 10 18:22:44+0200 2024
rotation.scmRottlog was added to base-servicesWed Apr 22 23:03:54+0200 2020
static-web.scmAdd some git stuffMon Sep 28 02:12:31+0200 2020
web.scmUpdate website and bootloaderMon Sep 27 14:15:48+0200 2021