Add non free compcert.

Julien LepillerTue May 02 14:01:35+0200 2017


namelast commitdate
.gitignoreInitialize repo, new packages.Wed Feb 22 22:10:31+0100 2017
README.mdAdd non free compcert.Tue May 02 14:01:35+0200 2017
chromium-gn-remove-third-party.patchstart working on skiaTue Feb 28 17:45:27+0100 2017
more/Add non free compcert.Tue May 02 14:01:35+0200 2017
ocaml-piqilib-fix-makefile.patchmoved patches to proper location and fixed ocaml-ppx-assertTue Feb 28 23:57:44+0100 2017
ocamlgraph-honor-source-date-epoch.patchmoved patches to proper location and fixed ocaml-ppx-assertTue Feb 28 23:57:44+0100 2017

More packages for the Guix package manager! This repository contains recipes for packages that I am working on. They will eventually be sent upstream. When this is the case, they will vanish from this repo.

How to use these packages?

export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=$HOME/guix-more

That's it!

What is in there?

Binary analysis software






Current work

Using skia with icecat

Currently working on this. I have skia, but it requires some tricks to actually have icecat build with it.

Adding gradle and groovy

Gradle is partially written in groovy, which itself is partially written in groovy. I currently am working on some dependencies, but I don't have a clear plan for groovy.