Add morji

Julien LepillerTue Jun 20 17:06:48+0200 2017


namelast commitdate
binary.scmAdd capstone-gitThu Jun 01 23:19:25+0200 2017
boost.scmAdd aegisubThu Feb 23 13:32:08+0100 2017
cdrom.scmadded virtualbox and dependencies (wip)Tue Mar 07 23:45:49+0100 2017
games.scmAdd morji and update tclTue Jun 13 16:45:09+0200 2017
gnuzilla.scmSimplify icecat package.Sun Apr 09 18:20:49+0200 2017
google.scmfix some packagesTue Apr 11 08:50:49+0200 2017
image.scmAdd gpickSun May 14 18:08:53+0200 2017
java.scmWork toward getting antlr4Tue May 16 15:56:27+0200 2017
messaging.scmAdd libantlr3cMon Apr 24 16:52:13+0200 2017
ocaml.scmUpdate ocaml-menhir.Fri Jun 09 10:03:00+0200 2017
opencv.scmAdd opencvThu May 11 22:08:27+0200 2017
python.scmUpdate angr and dependenciesMon May 29 11:13:13+0200 2017
smt.scmUpdate angr and dependenciesMon May 29 11:13:13+0200 2017
tcl.scmAdd morjiTue Jun 20 17:06:48+0200 2017
video.scmAdd aegisubThu Feb 23 13:32:08+0100 2017
virtualbox.scmadded dependencies to virtualboxMon Mar 13 08:40:32+0100 2017