;;;; Copyright (C) 2020 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (rdf entailment rdf) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (rdf rdf) #:use-module ((rdf entailment d) #:prefix d:) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export (consistent-graph? entails?)) (define (rdf-iri name) (string-append "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" name)) (define (consistent-graph? graph vocabulary) (define (alist-set lst key val) (match lst (() (list (cons key val))) (((k . v) lst ...) (if (equal? k key) (cons (cons key val) lst) (cons (cons k v) (alist-set lst key val)))))) (define (compatible? types) (match (filter rdf-datatype? types) (() #t) ((_) #t) ((a b ...) (and (null? (filter (lambda (t) ((rdf-vocabulary-compatible? vocabulary) a t)) b)) (compatible? b))))) (define (compatible-types? graph) (let loop ((graph graph) (type-mappings '())) (if (null? graph) (null? (filter (lambda (t) (not (compatible? (cdr t)))) type-mappings)) (let* ((t (car graph))) (if (equal? (rdf-triple-predicate t) (rdf-iri "type")) (loop (cdr graph) (alist-set type-mappings (rdf-triple-subject t) (cons (rdf-triple-object t) (or (assoc-ref type-mappings (rdf-triple-subject t)) '())))) (loop (cdr graph) type-mappings)))))) (and (d:consistent-graph? graph vocabulary) (compatible-types? (augment (recognize graph vocabulary) vocabulary)))) ;; G entails E if E has an instance (where blank nodes are replaced by literals ;; or IRIs) that is a subgraph of G. ;; ;; We re-use similar procedures to verifying isomorphism of graphs, but this time ;; blank nodes can also map to literals and IRIs. ;; We follow appendix A and use a subgraph comparison (like the simple:entails? ;; procedure) after augmenting the graph with additional true triples. (define rdf-axioms (list (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "subject") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "predicate") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "object") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "first") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "rest") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "value") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")) (make-rdf-triple (rdf-iri "nil") (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "List")))) (define (rdf-axioms-container container) (list (make-rdf-triple container (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")))) (define (rdf-container-property? p) (define rdf-container-property-base (rdf-iri "_")) (and (string? p) (> (string-length p) (string-length rdf-container-property-base)) (equal? (substring p 0 (string-length rdf-container-property-base)) rdf-container-property-base) (string->number (substring p (string-length rdf-container-property-base))))) (define (rdf-container-properties g) (let loop ((answer '()) (g g)) (match g (() (if (null? answer) (list (rdf-iri "_1")) answer)) ((($ rdf-triple subject predicate object) g ...) (let* ((answer (if (and (rdf-container-property? subject) (not (member subject answer))) (cons subject answer) answer)) (answer (if (and (rdf-container-property? predicate) (not (member predicate answer))) (cons predicate answer) answer)) (answer (if (and (rdf-container-property? object) (not (member object answer))) (cons object answer) answer))) (loop answer g)))))) (define (augment g vocabulary) (let* ((g (append rdf-axioms g)) (g (append (append-map rdf-axioms-container (rdf-container-properties g)) g))) (let loop ((g (recognize g vocabulary))) (let ((augment-set (let loop2 ((g2 g) (augment-set '())) (match g2 (() augment-set) ((($ rdf-triple subject predicate object) g2 ...) (let ((type-triple (if (and (rdf-literal? object) (rdf-datatype? (rdf-literal-type object))) (make-rdf-triple object (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-literal-type object)) #f)) (property-triple (make-rdf-triple predicate (rdf-iri "type") (rdf-iri "Property")))) (loop2 g2 (append (if (or (not type-triple) (member type-triple g) (member type-triple augment-set)) '() (list type-triple)) (if (or (member property-triple g) (member type-triple augment-set)) '() (list property-triple)) augment-set)))))))) (if (null? augment-set) g (loop (append (recognize augment-set vocabulary) g))))))) (define (equiv? n1 n2) (match (list n1 n2) ((($ rdf-literal l1 ($ rdf-datatype _ _ _ _ lexical->value1 _) lang1) ($ rdf-literal l2 ($ rdf-datatype _ _ _ _ lexical->value2 _) lang2)) (and (equal? lang1 lang2) (equal? (lexical->value1 l1)) (equal? (lexical->value2 l2)))) (_ (equal? n1 n2)))) (define (validate-mapping mapping g1 g2) (match g1 ('() #t) ((t1 g1 ...) (and (not (null? (filter (lambda (t2) (let ((s1 (rdf-triple-subject t1)) (s2 (rdf-triple-subject t2)) (p1 (rdf-triple-predicate t1)) (p2 (rdf-triple-predicate t2)) (o1 (rdf-triple-object t1)) (o2 (rdf-triple-object t2))) (and (if (blank-node? s1) (equiv? (assoc-ref mapping s1) s2) (equiv? s1 s2)) (equal? p1 p2) (if (blank-node? o1) (equiv? (assoc-ref mapping o1) o2) (equiv? o1 o2))))) g2))) (validate-mapping mapping g1 g2))))) (define (entails? g e vocabulary) "Return true if g entails e" (let* ((g (recognize g vocabulary)) (g (augment g vocabulary)) (e (recognize e vocabulary))) (or (not (consistent-graph? g vocabulary)) (d:entails? g e vocabulary))))