;;;; This file is part of Guile Netlink ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2021 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this library. If not, see . (define-module (ip route) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ip link) #:use-module (ip utils) #:use-module (netlink route route) #:use-module (netlink route attrs) #:use-module (netlink connection) #:use-module (netlink constant) #:use-module (netlink deserialize) #:use-module (netlink message) #:use-module (netlink standard) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:export (route-add route-del route-show)) (define-record-type (make-route family table dest src gateway proto scope priority device) route? (family route-family) (table route-table) (dest route-dest) (src route-src) (gateway route-gateway) (proto route-proto) (scope route-scope) (priority route-priority) (device route-device)) (define* (route-del dest #:key (ipv6? #f) (device #f) (table RT_TABLE_MAIN) (protocol #f) (scope RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE) (type #f) (priority #f) (src #f) (via #f)) (define request-num (random 65535)) (define index (cond ((number? device) device) ((string? device) (link-name->index device)) (else #f))) (define message (make-message RTM_DELROUTE (logior NLM_F_REQUEST NLM_F_ACK) request-num 0 (make-route-message (if ipv6? AF_INET6 AF_INET) (if (equal? dest "default") 0 (cidr->prefix dest)) (if src (cidr->prefix src) 0) 0 table (or protocol 0) scope (or type 0) 0 `(,@(if (equal? dest "default") '() (list (make-route-attr RTA_DST ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) (cidr->addr dest))))) ,@(if index (list (make-route-attr RTA_OIF (make-u32-route-attr index))) '()) ,@(if src (list (make-route-attr RTA_PREFSRC ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) (cidr->addr src)))) '()) ,@(if via (list (make-route-attr RTA_GATEWAY ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) via))) '()) ,@(if priority (list (make-route-attr RTA_PRIORITY (make-u32-route-attr priority))) '()))))) (let ((sock (connect-route))) (send-msg message sock) (let ((answer (receive-and-decode-msg sock %default-route-decoder))) (close-socket sock) (answer-ok? (last answer))))) (define* (route-add dest #:key (ipv6? #f) (device #f) (table RT_TABLE_MAIN) (protocol #f) (scope RT_SCOPE_LINK) (type RTN_UNICAST) (priority #f) (src #f) (via #f)) (define request-num (random 65535)) (define index (cond ((number? device) device) ((string? device) (link-name->index device)) (else #f))) (define message (make-message RTM_NEWROUTE (logior NLM_F_REQUEST NLM_F_ACK NLM_F_EXCL NLM_F_CREATE) request-num 0 (make-route-message (if ipv6? AF_INET6 AF_INET) (if (equal? dest "default") 0 (cidr->prefix dest)) (if src (cidr->prefix src) 0) 0 table (or protocol 0) scope type 0 `(,@(if (equal? dest "default") '() (list (make-route-attr RTA_DST ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) (cidr->addr dest))))) ,@(if index (list (make-route-attr RTA_OIF (make-u32-route-attr index))) '()) ,@(if src (list (make-route-attr RTA_PREFSRC ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) (cidr->addr src)))) '()) ,@(if via (list (make-route-attr RTA_GATEWAY ((if ipv6? make-ipv6-route-attr make-ipv4-route-attr) via))) '()) ,@(if priority (list (make-route-attr RTA_PRIORITY (make-u32-route-attr priority))) '()))))) (let ((sock (connect-route))) (send-msg message sock) (let ((answer (receive-and-decode-msg sock %default-route-decoder))) (close-socket sock) (answer-ok? (last answer))))) (define (link-ref links id) (let loop ((links links)) (match links (() #f) ((link links ...) (if (equal? (link-id link) id) link (loop links)))))) (define (get-routes links) (define request-num (random 65535)) (define message (make-message RTM_GETROUTE (logior NLM_F_REQUEST NLM_F_DUMP) request-num 0 (make-route-message AF_UNSPEC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '()))) (let ((sock (connect-route))) (send-msg message sock) (let* ((answer (receive-and-decode-msg sock %default-route-decoder)) (routes (filter (lambda (msg) (equal? (message-kind msg) RTM_NEWROUTE)) answer)) (routes (map (lambda (msg) (let* ((data (message-data msg)) (attrs (route-message-attrs data))) (make-route (route-message-family data) (or (get-attr attrs RTA_TABLE) (route-message-table data)) (let ((len (route-message-dest-len data)) (dest (get-attr attrs RTA_DST))) (if (or (equal? len 0) (not dest)) #f (string-append dest "/" (number->string len)))) (let ((len (route-message-src-len data)) (src (get-attr attrs RTA_PREFSRC))) (if (or (equal? len 0) (not src)) #f (string-append src "/" (number->string len)))) (get-attr attrs RTA_GATEWAY) (route-message-protocol data) (route-message-scope data) (get-attr attrs RTA_PRIORITY) (link-ref links (get-attr attrs RTA_OIF))))) routes))) (close-socket sock) routes))) (define print-route (match-lambda (($ family table dest src gateway proto scope priority device) (format #t " ~a" (or dest "default")) (when gateway (format #t " via ~a" gateway)) (when device (format #t " dev ~a" (link-name device))) (when (and proto (> proto 0)) (format #t " proto ~a" (string-downcase (substring (symbol->string (int->rtm-protocol proto)) 7)))) (when (and scope (> scope 0)) (format #t " scope ~a" (string-downcase (substring (symbol->string (int->rtm-scope scope)) 9)))) (when src (format #t " src ~a" src)) (when priority (format #t " metric ~a" priority)) (format #t "~%")))) (define* (route-show #:key (table RT_TABLE_MAIN) (family AF_UNSPEC)) (define links (get-links)) (define routes (get-routes links)) (for-each (lambda (route) (when (and (equal? (route-table route) table) (or (equal? family AF_UNSPEC) (equal? (route-family route) family))) (print-route route))) routes))