;;;; Copyright (C) 2020 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (jsonld serialize-rdf) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (iri iri) #:use-module (jsonld deserialize-jsonld) #:use-module (jsonld json) #:use-module (jsonld object-to-rdf) #:use-module (jsonld rdf-to-object) #:use-module (json) #:use-module ((rdf rdf) #:hide (blank-node?)) #:use-module ((rdf rdf) #:select (blank-node?) #:prefix rdf:) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export (serialize-rdf)) (define (uniq lst) (match lst (() '()) ((element lst ...) (if (member element lst) (uniq lst) (cons element (uniq lst)))))) (define (jsonld-ref object spec) (match spec (() object) (((? string? key) spec ...) (jsonld-ref (assoc-ref object key) spec)) (((? number? key) spec ...) (jsonld-ref (if (array? object) (array-ref object key) #f) spec)))) (define (jsonld-set object spec value) (match spec (() value) (((? string? key) spec ...) (alist-set object key (jsonld-set (assoc-ref object key) spec value))) (((? number? key) spec ...) (array-set! object (jsonld-set (array-ref object key) spec value) key) object))) (define (convert-blank-nodes dataset) (define (node-convert-blank-nodes node) (if (rdf:blank-node? node) (string-append "_:b" (number->string node)) node)) (define (graph-convert-blank-nodes graph) (map (match-lambda (($ rdf-triple subject predicate object) (make-rdf-triple (node-convert-blank-nodes subject) (node-convert-blank-nodes predicate) (node-convert-blank-nodes object)))) graph)) (make-rdf-dataset (graph-convert-blank-nodes (rdf-dataset-default-graph dataset)) (map (lambda (ng) (cons (car ng) (graph-convert-blank-nodes (cdr ng)))) (rdf-dataset-named-graphs dataset)))) (define (single-element-array? object) (and (array? object) (not (string? object)) (equal? (array-length object) 1))) (define* (serialize-rdf dataset #:key ordered? rdf-direction use-native-types? use-rdf-type? processing-mode) (set! dataset (convert-blank-nodes dataset)) (set! dataset (make-rdf-dataset (uniq (rdf-dataset-default-graph dataset)) (map (lambda (ng) (cons (car ng) (uniq (cdr ng)))) (rdf-dataset-named-graphs dataset)))) ;; 1 (let ((default-graph '()) ;; 2 (graph-map `(("@default" . ()))) ;; 3 (referenced-once '()) ;; 4 (compound-literal-subjects '())) ;; 5 (for-each-pair (lambda (name graph) ;; 5.2 (unless (json-has-key? graph-map name) (set! graph-map (alist-set graph-map name '()))) ;; 5.3 (unless (json-has-key? compound-literal-subjects name) (set! compound-literal-subjects (alist-set compound-literal-subjects name '()))) (set! default-graph (assoc-ref graph-map "@default")) ;; 5.4 (unless (or (equal? name "@default") (json-has-key? default-graph name)) (set! default-graph (alist-set (assoc-ref graph-map "@default") name `(("@id" . ,name)))) (set! graph-map (alist-set graph-map "@default" default-graph))) ;; 5.5 (let ((node-map (assoc-ref graph-map name)) ;; 5.6 (compound-map (assoc-ref compound-literal-subjects name))) (for-each (match-lambda (($ rdf-triple subject predicate object) ;; 5.7.1 (unless (json-has-key? node-map subject) (set! node-map (alist-set node-map subject `(("@id" . ,subject))))) ;; 5.7.2 (let ((node-ref (list name subject)) (node (assoc-ref node-map subject)) (continue? #t)) ;; 5.7.3 (when (and (equal? rdf-direction "compound-literal") (equal? predicate (rdf-iri "direction"))) (set! compound-map (alist-set compound-map subject #t))) (when (or (absolute-iri? object) (blank-node? object)) ;; 5.7.4 (unless (json-has-key? node-map object) (set! node-map (alist-set node-map object `(("@id" . ,object))))) ;; 5.7.5 (when (and (equal? predicate (rdf-iri "type")) (not use-rdf-type?)) (let* ((types (or (assoc-ref node "@type") #())) (types (array->list types)) (types (if (member object types) types (append types (list object)))) (types (list->array 1 types))) (set! node (alist-set node "@type" types)) (set! node-map (alist-set node-map subject node)) (set! continue? #f)))) ;; 5.7.6 (when continue? (let* ((value (rdf-to-object object rdf-direction use-native-types? #:processing-mode processing-mode)) (value-ref (append node-ref (list predicate))) ;; 5.7.7 (node-value (or (assoc-ref node predicate) #())) (node-value (array->list node-value))) ;; 5.7.8 (let loop ((nodes node-value) (num 0)) (match nodes (() (set! node-value (cons value node-value)) (set! value-ref (append value-ref (list num)))) ((n nodes ...) (if (identical-json? value n) (set! value-ref (append value-ref (list num))) (loop nodes (1+ num)))))) ;; 5.7.7 (set! node (alist-set node predicate (list->array 1 node-value))) (set! node-map (alist-set node-map subject node)) (cond ;; 5.7.9 ((equal? object (rdf-iri "nil")) (let* ((usages (or (assoc-ref (assoc-ref node-map object) "usages") #())) (usages (array->list usages))) (set! usages (append usages (list `(("node" . ,node-ref) ("property" . ,predicate) ("value" . ,value-ref))))) (set! node-map (jsonld-set node-map (list object "usages") (list->array 1 usages))))) ;; 5.7.10 ((json-has-key? referenced-once object) (set! referenced-once (alist-set referenced-once object #f))) ((blank-node? object) (set! referenced-once (alist-set referenced-once object `(("node" . ,node-ref) ("property" . ,predicate) ("value" . ,value-ref))))))))))) graph) (set! graph-map (alist-set graph-map name node-map)) (set! compound-literal-subjects (alist-set compound-literal-subjects name compound-map)))) (cons (cons "@default" (rdf-dataset-default-graph dataset)) (rdf-dataset-named-graphs dataset))) (set! default-graph (assoc-ref graph-map "@default")) ;; 6 (for-each-pair (lambda (name graph-object) ;; 6.1 (when (list? (assoc-ref compound-literal-subjects name)) (for-each-pair (lambda (cl _) ;; 6.1.1 (let ((cl-entry (assoc-ref referenced-once cl))) (when (list? cl-entry) ;; 6.1.2 (let* ((node-ref (assoc-ref cl-entry "node")) (node (jsonld-ref graph-map node-ref)) ;; 6.1.3 (property (assoc-ref cl-entry "property")) ;; 6.1.4 (value-ref (assoc-ref cl-entry "value")) (value (jsonld-ref graph-map value-ref)) ;; 6.1.5 (cl-node (assoc-ref graph-object cl))) (set! graph-object (alist-remove graph-object cl)) (when (equal? name "@default") (set! default-graph graph-object)) (set! graph-map (alist-set graph-map name graph-object)) (when (list? cl-node) ;; 6.1.6 (let* ((refs (array->list (assoc-ref node property)))) (set! refs (map (lambda (cl-reference) (when (equal? (assoc-ref cl-reference "@id") cl) ;; (set! cl-reference (alist-remove cl-reference "@id")) ;; (let* ((value (assoc-ref cl-node (rdf-iri "value"))) (value (array-ref value 0)) (value (assoc-ref value "@value"))) (set! cl-reference (alist-set cl-reference "@value" value))) ;; (let ((language (assoc-ref cl-node (rdf-iri "language")))) (when language (let* ((language (array-ref language 0)) (language (assoc-ref language "@value"))) (set! cl-reference (alist-set cl-reference "@language" language)) (unless (well-formed-language-tag? language) (throw 'invalid-language-tagged-string language))))) ;; (let ((direction (assoc-ref cl-node (rdf-iri "direction")))) (when direction (let* ((direction (array-ref direction 0)) (direction (assoc-ref direction "@value"))) (set! cl-reference (alist-set cl-reference "@direction" direction)) (unless (member direction '("ltr" "rtl")) (throw 'invalid-base-direction direction)))))) cl-reference) refs)) (set! node (alist-set node property (list->array 1 refs)))) (set! graph-map (jsonld-set graph-map node-ref node))))))) (assoc-ref compound-literal-subjects name))) ;; 6.2 (when (json-has-key? graph-object (rdf-iri "nil")) ;; 6.3 (let* ((nil (assoc-ref graph-object (rdf-iri "nil"))) (usages (array->list (or (assoc-ref nil "usages") #())))) (set! usages (sort usages (lambda (a b) (or (not (equal? (assoc-ref a "node") (assoc-ref b "node"))) (and (equal? (assoc-ref a "property") (rdf-iri "first")) (equal? (assoc-ref b "property") (rdf-iri "rest"))))))) ;; 6.4 (for-each (lambda (usage) (let* ((node-ref (assoc-ref usage "node")) (node (jsonld-ref graph-map node-ref)) (property (assoc-ref usage "property")) (head-ref (assoc-ref usage "value")) (head (jsonld-ref graph-map head-ref)) ;; 6.4.2 (lst '()) (list-nodes '())) ;; 6.4.3 (let loop () (when (and (equal? property (rdf-iri "rest")) (blank-node? (assoc-ref node "@id")) (list? (assoc-ref referenced-once (assoc-ref node "@id"))) (single-element-array? (assoc-ref node (rdf-iri "first"))) (single-element-array? (assoc-ref node (rdf-iri "rest"))) (null? (filter (lambda (e) (not (member (car e) (list (rdf-iri "first") (rdf-iri "rest") "@type" "@id")))) node)) (or (not (json-has-key? node "@type")) (null? (filter (lambda (t) (not (equal? t (rdf-iri "List")))) (array->list (assoc-ref node "@type")))))) ;; (set! lst (cons (array-ref (assoc-ref node (rdf-iri "first")) 0) lst)) ;; (set! list-nodes (cons (assoc-ref node "@id") list-nodes)) ;; (let ((node-usage (assoc-ref referenced-once (assoc-ref node "@id")))) ;; (set! node-ref (assoc-ref node-usage "node")) (set! node (jsonld-ref graph-map node-ref)) (set! property (assoc-ref node-usage "property")) (set! head-ref (assoc-ref node-usage "value")) (set! head (jsonld-ref graph-map head-ref)) (loop)))) ;; 6.4.4 (set! head (alist-remove head "@id")) ;; 6.4.6 (set! head (alist-set head "@list" (list->array 1 lst))) (set! graph-map (jsonld-set graph-map head-ref head)) ;; 6.4.7 (for-each (lambda (node-id) (set! graph-object (alist-remove graph-object node-id)) (when (equal? name "@default") (set! default-graph graph-object)) (set! graph-map (alist-set graph-map name graph-object))) list-nodes))) usages)))) graph-map) (set! default-graph (assoc-ref graph-map "@default")) ;; 7 (let ((result '())) ;; 8 (for-each-pair (lambda (subject node) ;; 8.1 (when (json-has-key? graph-map subject) (let ((new-graph '())) (for-each-pair (lambda (s n) ;; 8.1.2 (unless (null? (filter (lambda (e) (not (member (car e) '("usages" "@id")))) n)) (set! new-graph (append new-graph (list (alist-remove n "usages")))))) (if ordered? (alist-sort-by-key (or (assoc-ref graph-map subject) '())) (or (assoc-ref graph-map subject) '()))) ;; 8.1.1 (set! node (alist-set node "@graph" (list->array 1 new-graph))))) ;; 8.2 (unless (null? (filter (lambda (e) (not (member (car e) '("usages" "@id")))) node)) (set! result (append result (list (alist-remove node "usages")))))) (if ordered? (alist-sort-by-key default-graph) default-graph)) ;; 9 (list->array 1 result))))