;;;; Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (jsonld create-term-definition) #:use-module (jsonld context) #:use-module (jsonld context-processing) #:use-module (jsonld iri-expansion) #:use-module (jsonld iri) #:use-module (jsonld json) #:use-module (jsonld options) #:use-module (json) #:use-module (web uri) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:export (create-term-definition)) (define* (create-term-definition active-context local-context term defined #:key (base-url #f) (protected? #f) (override-protected? #f) (remote-contexts '()) (validate-scoped-context? #t) (options (new-jsonld-options))) "Create a term definition. This is an implementation of the create term definition algorithm defined in the JsonLD API specification." (match (assoc-ref defined term) ;; 1 ('true #t) ('false (throw 'cyclic-iri-mapping)) (_ (begin ;; 2 (when (equal? term "") (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 2: This indicates that the term definition is now being created but ;; is not yet complete. (set! defined (alist-set defined term 'false)) ;; 3 (let ((value (assoc-ref local-context term))) ;; 4 (when (and (equal? term "@type") (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options))) (throw 'keyword-redefinition)) ;; 4 (if (equal? term "@type") (unless (and (json-object? value) (or (not (json-has-key? value "@container")) (equal? (assoc-ref value "@container") "@set")) (not (null? value)) (null? (filter (lambda (kp) (not (member (car kp) '("@container" "@protected")))) value))) (throw 'keyword-redefinition)) ;; 5 (if (json-keyword? term) (throw 'keyword-redefinition))) ;; 5 TODO: generate a warning if it's a keyword-form but not @type (unless (and (keyword-form? term) (not (equal? term "@type"))) ;; 6 (let ((previous-definition (term-definition-ref active-context term)) (simple-term? #t) ;; 10 (definition (new-term-definition #:protected? protected?))) (cond ;; 7 ((json-null? value) (set! value `(("@id" . ,json-null)))) ;; 8 ((string? value) (set! value `(("@id" . ,value)))) ;; 9 ((json-object? value) (set! simple-term? #f)) (else (throw 'invalid-term-definition))) ;; 11 (when (json-has-key? value "@protected") (when (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:protected? (assoc-ref value "@protected"))) (unless (member (assoc-ref value "@protected") '(#t #f)) (throw 'invalid-@protected-value))) ;; 12: if value contains the key @type (when (json-has-key? value "@type") ;; 12.1 (let ((type (assoc-ref value "@type"))) (unless (string? type) (throw 'invalid-type-mapping)) ;; 12.2 (let ((result (iri-expansion active-context type #:vocab? #t #:local-context local-context #:defined defined #:options options))) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) (set! type (assoc-ref result "iri"))) ;; 12.3 (when (and (member type '("@json" "@none")) (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options))) (throw 'invalid-type-mapping)) ;; 12.4 (unless (or (member type '("@id" "@vocab" "@json" "@none")) (absolute-iri? type)) (throw 'invalid-type-mapping value type)) ;; 12.5 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:type type)))) ;; 13: if value contains the key @reverse (if (json-has-key? value "@reverse") (begin ;; 13.1 (when (or (json-has-key? value "@id") (json-has-key? value "@nest")) (throw 'invalid-reverse-property)) ;; 13.2 (unless (string? (assoc-ref value "@reverse")) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping)) ;; 13.3 (if (and (keyword-form? (assoc-ref value "@reverse")) (not (json-keyword? (assoc-ref value "@reverse")))) #t;; TODO: generate a warning before returning (begin ;; 13.4 (let* ((result (iri-expansion active-context (assoc-ref value "@reverse") #:vocab? #t #:local-context local-context #:defined defined #:options options)) (iri (assoc-ref result "iri"))) (unless (or (absolute-iri? iri) (blank-node? iri)) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping)) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) ;; 13.5 (when (json-has-key? value "@container") (let ((container (assoc-ref value "@container"))) (unless (member container `("@set" "@index" ,json-null)) (throw 'invalid-reverse-property)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:container container)))) ;; 13.4 (cont.) and 13.6 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri iri #:reverse? #t)) ;; 13.7: we return (set! active-context (update-active-context active-context #:definitions (alist-set (active-context-definitions active-context) term definition))) (set! defined (alist-set defined term 'true)))))) ;; (not 13): otherwise, we continue (begin (let ((return? #f)) (cond ;; 14 ((and (json-has-key? value "@id") (not (equal? (assoc-ref value "@id") term))) ;; 14.1 (if (json-null? (assoc-ref value "@id")) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri json-null)) ;; 14.2 (begin ;; 14.2.1 (unless (string? (assoc-ref value "@id")) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping)) ;; 14.2.2 (if (and (not (json-keyword? (assoc-ref value "@id"))) (keyword-form? (assoc-ref value "@id"))) (set! return? #t);; return, should generate a warning ;; 14.2.3 (let* ((result (iri-expansion active-context (assoc-ref value "@id") #:vocab? #t #:local-context local-context #:defined defined #:options options)) (iri (assoc-ref result "iri"))) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri iri)) (unless (or (json-keyword? iri) (absolute-iri? iri) (blank-node? iri)) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping)) (when (equal? iri "@context") (throw 'invalid-keyword-alias)) ;; 14.2.4 (if (or (and (> (string-length term) 1) (string-index (substring term 1 (- (string-length term) 1)) #\:)) (string-index term #\/)) (begin ;; (set! defined (alist-set defined term 'true)) ;; (let ((result (iri-expansion active-context term #:local-context local-context #:defined defined #:vocab? #t #:options options))) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) (unless (equal? (assoc-ref result "iri") iri) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping term iri (assoc-ref result "iri"))))) (when (and simple-term? (or (blank-node? iri) (gen-delim? (substring iri (- (string-length iri) 1))))) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:prefix? #t))))))))) ;; 15 ((and (> (string-length term) 1) (string-index (substring term 1) #\:)) (let ((prefix (car (string-split term #\:))) (suffix (apply string-append (cdr (string-split term #\:))))) ;; 15.1 (when (json-has-key? local-context prefix) (let ((result (create-term-definition active-context local-context prefix defined))) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")))) (if (not-null-or-false (term-definition-ref active-context prefix)) ;; 15.2 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri (string-append (term-definition-iri (term-definition-ref active-context prefix)) suffix))) ;; 15.3 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri term))))) ;; 16 ((string-index term #\/) (let* ((result (iri-expansion active-context term #:vocab? #t #:options options)) (iri (assoc-ref result "iri"))) (set! active-context (assoc-ref result "active-context")) (set! defined (assoc-ref result "defined")) (unless (absolute-iri? iri) (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri iri)))) ;; 17 ((equal? term "@type") (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri "@type"))) ;; 18 ((not-null-or-false (active-context-vocab active-context)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:iri (string-append (active-context-vocab active-context) term)))) (else (throw 'invalid-iri-mapping))) (unless return? ;; 19 (when (json-has-key? value "@container") ;; 19.1 (let ((container (assoc-ref value "@container"))) (match container ((? string? container) (unless (member container '("@graph" "@id" "@index" "@language" "@list" "@set" "@type")) (throw 'invalid-container-mapping)) ;; 19.2 (when (and (member container '("@graph" "@id" "@type")) (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options))) (throw 'invalid-container-mapping))) ((? json-array? container) (let ((container (array->list container))) (unless (or (and (= (length container) 1) (member (car container) '("@graph" "@id" "@index" "@language" "@list" "@set" "@type"))) (and (member "@graph" container) (or (member "@id" container) (member "@index" container)) (null? (filter (lambda (p) (not (member p '("@id" "@index" "@graph" "@set")))) container))) (and (member "@set" container) (or (member "@index" container) (member "@graph" container) (member "@id" container) (member "@type" container) (member "@language" container)))) (throw 'invalid-container-mapping)) ;; 19.2 (when (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (throw 'invalid-container-mapping)))) (_ (throw 'invalid-container-mapping))) ;; 19.3 (set! container (if (json-array? container) container `#(,container))) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:container container)) ;; 19.4 (when (member "@type" (array->list container)) ;; 19.4.1 (unless (term-definition-type definition) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:type "@id"))) ;; 19.4.2 (unless (member (term-definition-type definition) '("@id" "@vocab")) (throw 'invalid-type-mapping))))) ;; 20 (when (json-has-key? value "@index") ;; 20.1 (when (or (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (not (member "@index" (array->list (or (term-definition-container definition) #()))))) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 20.2 (let* ((index (assoc-ref value "@index")) (extended-index (assoc-ref (iri-expansion active-context index #:vocab? #t #:options options) "iri"))) (unless (and (string? extended-index) (absolute-iri? extended-index)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 20.3 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:index index)))) ;; 21 (when (json-has-key? value "@context") ;; 21.1 (when (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 21.2 (let ((context (assoc-ref value "@context"))) ;; the result is discarded, it will be reprocessed if ;; used. It is only here to detect errors (catch #t (lambda () (context-processing active-context context base-url #:override-protected? #t #:remote-contexts remote-contexts #:validate-scoped-context? #f #:options options)) (lambda (key . value) (apply throw 'invalid-scoped-context key value))) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:context context #:base-url base-url)))) ;; 22 (when (and (json-has-key? value "@language") (not (json-has-key? value "@type"))) ;; 22.1 (let ((language (assoc-ref value "@language"))) (unless (or (string? language) (json-null? language)) (throw 'invalid-language-mapping)) ;; a warning should be thrown if not bcp-47 compliant ;; 22.2 (when (string? language) (set! language (string-downcase language))) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:language language)))) ;; 23 (when (and (json-has-key? value "@direction") (not (json-has-key? value "@type"))) ;; 23.1 (let ((direction (assoc-ref value "@direction"))) (unless (member direction `("ltr" "rtl" ,json-null)) (throw 'invalid-base-direction)) ;; 23.2 (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:direction direction)))) ;; 24 (when (json-has-key? value "@nest") ;; 24.1 (when (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 24.2 (let ((nest (assoc-ref value "@nest"))) (when (or (not (string? nest)) (and (json-keyword? nest) (not (equal? nest "@nest")))) (throw 'invalid-@nest-value)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:nest nest)))) ;; 25 (when (json-has-key? value "@prefix") ;; 25.1 (when (or (processing-mode-1.0? (jsonld-options-processing-mode options)) (string-index term #\:) (string-index term #\/)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 25.2 (let ((prefix? (assoc-ref value "@prefix"))) (unless (member prefix? '(#t #f)) (throw 'invalid-@prefix-value)) (set! definition (update-term-definition definition #:prefix? prefix?)) ;; 25.3 (when (and prefix? (json-keyword? (term-definition-iri definition))) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)))) ;; 26 (unless (null? (filter (lambda (kp) (not (member (car kp) '("@id" "@reverse" "@container" "@context" "@direction" "@index" "@language" "@nest" "@prefix" "@protected" "@type")))) value)) (throw 'invalid-term-definition)) ;; 27 (unless (or override-protected? (not (not-null-or-false previous-definition)) (not (term-definition-protected? previous-definition))) ;; 27.1 (unless (term-definition-equal? (update-term-definition definition #:protected? #t) previous-definition) (throw 'protected-term-redefinition)) ;; 27.2 (set! definition previous-definition)) ;; 28 (set! defined (alist-set defined term 'true)) (set! active-context (update-active-context active-context #:definitions (alist-set (active-context-definitions active-context) term definition))))))))))))) ;; return an alist of potentially modified objects: defined and active-context. `(("defined" . ,defined) ("active-context" . ,active-context)))