;;; Copyright (C) 2020 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (activitystreams ontology) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (jsonld) #:use-module (jsonld json) #:export (make-ontology ontology? ontology-context ontology-datatypes ontology-properties make-as-type as-type? as-type-label as-type-uri as-type-comment as-type-subclass-of build-as-type make-as-property as-property? as-property-label as-property-uri as-property-domain as-property-range as-property-functional? as-property-subproperty-of as-property-comment build-as-property make-as-document as-document? as-document-types as-document-properties make-as-string as-string? as-string-value as-string-language as-string-direction make-as-typed-value as-typed-value? as-typed-value-value as-typed-value-type merge-ontologies subproperty? subtype? as-ref json->as-document uri->as-document as-document->json as-document->graphviz)) (define-record-type (make-ontology context datatypes properties) ontology? (context ontology-context) (datatypes ontology-datatypes) (properties ontology-properties)) (define as-vocab "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#") (define-record-type as-type (make-as-type label uri comment subclass-of) as-type? (label as-type-label) (uri as-type-uri) (comment as-type-comment) (subclass-of as-type-subclass-of)) (define* (build-as-type label #:key (uri (string-append as-vocab label)) (comment "") (subclass-of '())) (make-as-type label uri comment subclass-of)) (define-record-type as-property (make-as-property label uri range domain functional? subproperty-of comment) as-property? (label as-property-label) (uri as-property-uri) (domain as-property-domain) (range as-property-range) (functional? as-property-functional?) (subproperty-of as-property-subproperty-of) (comment as-property-comment)) (define* (build-as-property label domain range #:key (uri (string-append as-vocab label)) (functional? #f) (subproperty-of '()) (comment "")) (make-as-property label uri range domain functional? subproperty-of comment)) (define-record-type as-document (make-as-document types properties) as-document? (types as-document-types) (properties as-document-properties)) (define-record-type as-string (make-as-string value language direction) as-string? (value as-string-value) (language as-string-language) (direction as-string-direction)) (define-record-type as-typed-value (make-as-typed-value value type) as-typed-value? (value as-typed-value-value) (type as-typed-value-type)) (define (uniq lst) (let loop ((lst lst) (result '())) (match lst (() result) ((elem lst ...) (if (member elem result) (loop lst result) (loop lst (cons elem result))))))) (define (alist-set lst key value) (match lst (() `((,key . ,value))) (((k . v) lst ...) (if (equal? k key) (cons (cons key value) lst) (cons (cons k v) (alist-set lst key value)))))) (define (merge-domains d1 d2) (uniq (if (list? d1) (if (list? d2) (append d1 d2) (cons d2 d1)) (if (list? d2) (cons d1 d2) (list d1 d2))))) (define (merge-ranges r1 r2) (uniq (if (list? r1) (if (list? r2) (append r1 r2) (cons r2 r1)) (if (list? r2) (cons r1 r2) (list r1 r2))))) (define (fix-types datatypes) (define (fix-datatype type) (if (as-type? type) (let ((candidates (filter (lambda (t) (equal? (as-type-uri t) (as-type-uri type))) datatypes))) (if (null? candidates) type (car candidates))) type)) (let loop ((to-fix datatypes) (result '())) (match to-fix (() result) ((type to-fix ...) (loop to-fix (cons (make-as-type (as-type-label type) (as-type-uri type) (as-type-comment type) (map fix-datatype (as-type-subclass-of type))) result)))))) (define (merge-datatypes datatypes) (let loop ((result '()) (datatypes (apply append datatypes))) (match datatypes (() (map cdr result)) ((type datatypes ...) (loop (let ((previous (assoc-ref result (as-type-uri type)))) (if previous (alist-set result (as-type-uri type) (make-as-type (as-type-label type) (as-type-uri type) (or (as-type-comment previous) (as-type-comment type)) (uniq (append (as-type-subclass-of previous) (as-type-subclass-of type))))) (cons (cons (as-type-uri type) type) result))) datatypes))))) (define (fix-properties datatypes properties) (define (fix-datatype type) (if (as-type? type) (let ((candidates (filter (lambda (t) (equal? (as-type-uri t) (as-type-uri type))) datatypes))) (if (null? candidates) type (car candidates))) type)) (define (fix-property prop) (if (as-property? prop) (let ((candidates (filter (lambda (p) (equal? (as-property-uri p) (as-property-uri prop))) properties))) (if (null? candidates) prop (car candidates))) prop)) (let loop ((to-fix properties) (result '())) (match to-fix (() result) ((prop to-fix ...) (let ((domain (as-property-domain prop)) (range (as-property-range prop))) (loop to-fix (cons (make-as-property (as-property-label prop) (as-property-uri prop) (if (list? domain) (map fix-property (map fix-datatype domain)) (fix-property (fix-datatype domain))) (if (list? range) (map fix-property (map fix-datatype range)) (fix-property (fix-datatype range))) (as-property-functional? prop) (map fix-property (as-property-subproperty-of prop)) (as-property-comment prop)) result))))))) (define (merge-properties properties) (let loop ((result '()) (properties (apply append properties))) (match properties (() (map cdr result)) ((prop properties ...) (loop (let ((previous (assoc-ref result (as-property-uri prop)))) (if previous (alist-set result (as-property-uri prop) (make-as-property (as-property-label prop) (as-property-uri prop) (merge-domains (as-property-domain previous) (as-property-domain prop)) (merge-ranges (as-property-range previous) (as-property-range prop)) (and (as-property-functional? previous) (as-property-functional? prop)) (uniq (append (as-property-subproperty-of previous) (as-property-subproperty-of prop))) (or (as-property-comment previous) (as-property-comment prop)))) (cons (cons (as-property-uri prop) prop) result))) properties))))) (define* (merge-ontologies . ontologies) (let ((datatypes (merge-datatypes (map ontology-datatypes ontologies))) (properties (merge-properties (map ontology-properties ontologies)))) (make-ontology (filter (lambda (a) a) (append-map ontology-context ontologies)) (fix-types datatypes) (fix-properties datatypes properties)))) (define (subproperty? property other) "Is @code{property} a subproperty of @code{other}?" (or (equal? property other) (equal? (as-property-uri property) other) (and (as-property? other) (equal? (as-property-uri property) (as-property-uri other))) (let loop ((superproperties (as-property-subproperty-of property))) (match superproperties (() #f) ((superproperty superproperties ...) (if (subproperty? superproperty other) #t (loop superproperties))))))) (define (subtype? type other) "Is @code{type} a subtype of @code{other}?" (or (equal? type other) (let loop ((supertypes (as-type-subclass-of type))) (match supertypes (() #f) ((supertype supertypes ...) (if (subtype? supertype other) #t (loop supertypes))))))) (define (as-ref document key) "Takes a parsed document and returns the value associated with the property. This takes care of subproperties: if you look for a property that's not in the document directly, but the document has a subproperty of it, this will be returned. The key must be a proper label as defined in the ontology." (define (is-candidate kv) (match kv ((k . v) (subproperty? k key)))) (let ((candidates (filter is-candidate (if (as-document? document) (as-document-properties document) document)))) (map cdr candidates))) (define (json->as-document ontology document) (define (uri->datatype type) (let ((candidates (filter (lambda (t) (equal? (as-type-uri t) type)) (ontology-datatypes ontology)))) (cond ((null? candidates) #f) ((> (length candidates) 1) (throw 'multiple-datatypes-with-same-uri candidates)) (else (car candidates))))) (define (uri->property property) (let ((candidates (filter (lambda (p) (equal? (as-property-uri p) property)) (ontology-properties ontology)))) (cond ((null? candidates) #f) ((> (length candidates) 1) (throw 'multiple-properties-with-same-uri candidates)) (else (car candidates))))) (define (scalar->as-value value) (cond ((or (json-has-key? value "@language") (json-has-key? value "@direction")) (make-as-string (assoc-ref value "@value") (assoc-ref value "@language") (assoc-ref value "@direction"))) ((json-has-key? value "@type") (let* ((types (assoc-ref value "@type")) (types (if (string? types) (list types) (array->list types))) (types (map uri->datatype types))) (make-as-typed-value (assoc-ref value "@value") types))) (else (assoc-ref value "@value")))) (cond ((scalar? document) document) ((json-has-key? document "@value") (scalar->as-value document)) ((json-array? document) ;; XXX: this filter is not correct if one of the values is the litteral ;; "false" (filter (lambda (a) a) (map (lambda (doc) (json->as-document ontology doc)) (array->list document)))) ((list? document) (let* ((types (or (assoc-ref document "@type") #())) (types (if (string? types) (list types) (array->list types))) (types (filter (lambda (a) a) (map uri->datatype types)))) (make-as-document types (filter (lambda (a) a) (map (match-lambda ((key . value) (let ((property (uri->property key)) (value (json->as-document ontology value))) (if (and property (not (equal? key "@type")) value) (cons (uri->property key) value) #f)))) document))))))) (define* (uri->as-document ontology uri #:key (options #f)) (if options (json->as-document ontology (expand uri #:options options)) (json->as-document ontology (expand uri)))) (define* (as-document->json ontology doc #:key (options #f)) (define (as-document->proper-json doc) (append `(("@type" . ,(list->array 1 (map as-type-uri (as-document-types doc))))) (map (match-lambda ((key . value) (cons (as-property-uri key) (as-value->proper-json value)))) (as-document-properties doc)))) (define (as-value->proper-json doc) (cond ((as-document? doc) (as-document->proper-json doc)) ((list? doc) (list->array 1 (map as-value->proper-json doc))) ((string? doc) doc) ((as-typed-value? doc) `(("@value" . ,(as-typed-value-value doc)) ("@type" . ,(as-type-uri (as-typed-value-type doc))))) ((as-string? doc) `(("@value" . ,(as-string-value doc)) ,@(if (as-string-direction doc) `(("@direction" . ,(as-string-direction doc))) '()) ,@(if (as-string-language doc) `(("@language" . ,(as-string-language doc))) '()))) (else doc))) (let ((proper-json (as-value->proper-json doc)) (context `(("@context" . ,(list->array 1 (ontology-context ontology)))))) (if options (compact proper-json context) (compact proper-json context #:options options)))) (define* (as-document->graphviz doc #:key (label "n")) (cond ((as-document? doc) (let* ((id (as-ref (as-document-properties doc) "@id")) (id (if (string? id) id (if (null? id) "" (car id)))) (types (as-document-types doc)) (name (if (null? types) id (string-append id " (" (string-join (map as-type-label types) ", ") ")")))) (format #t " ~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" label name) (let loop ((children (as-document-properties doc)) (suffix 0)) (match children (() (format #t "~%")) (((key . value) children ...) (let ((child-label (string-append label (number->string suffix)))) (format #t " ~a -> ~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" label child-label (if (string? key) key (as-property-label key))) (as-document->graphviz value #:label child-label) (loop children (+ suffix 1)))))))) ((string? doc) (format #t " ~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" label doc)) ((list? doc) (let loop ((children doc) (suffix 0)) (match children (() (format #t "~%")) ((value children ...) (let ((child-label (string-append label (number->string suffix)))) (format #t " ~a -> ~a;~%" label child-label) (as-document->graphviz value #:label child-label) (loop children (+ suffix 1))))))) ((as-typed-value? doc) (format #t " ~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" label (string-append (as-typed-value-value doc) "^^" (as-type-label (as-typed-value-type doc))))) ((as-string? doc) (let* ((str (as-string-value doc)) (str (if (or (as-string-language doc) (as-string-direction doc)) (string-append str "@") str)) (str (string-append str (as-string-language doc))) (str (if (as-string-direction doc) (string-append str "_" (as-string-direction doc)) str))) (format #t " ~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" label str))) (else doc)))