;;;; Copyright (C) 2020 Julien Lepiller ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; (define-module (http-signature asn1) #:use-module (gcrypt base64) #:use-module (gcrypt pk-crypto) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:export (asn1-type? make-asn1-type asn1-type-name asn1-type-type asn1-type-primitive? asn1-type-constructed? asn1-type-parser asn1-type-producer asn1-type-aggregator asn1:bool asn1:null asn1:int-bv asn1:bitstring asn1:octetstring asn1:object-identifier asn1:sequence encode-asn1 decode-asn1)) ;; We declare the ASN.1 types here. Each type is associated with its name, ;; its type byte, a parser and a producer. We will use them to either parse ;; a DER encoded ASN.1 record, or to produce a DER-encoded ASN.1 record. (define-record-type asn1-type (make-asn1-type name type primitive? constructed? parser producer aggregator) asn1-type? (name asn1-type-name) (type asn1-type-type) (primitive? asn1-type-primitive?) (constructed? asn1-type-constructed?) (parser asn1-type-parser) (producer asn1-type-producer) (aggregator asn1-type-aggregator)) (define asn1:bool (make-asn1-type "bool" 1 #t #f (lambda (bv pos len) (unless (equal? len 1) (throw 'invalid-bool-value)) (let ((val (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos))) (not (equal? val 0)))) (lambda (value) (let ((bv (make-bytevector 1))) (bytevector-u8-set! bv 0 (if value #xff #x00)) bv)) (lambda _ (throw 'primitive-type)))) (define asn1:null (make-asn1-type "null" 5 #t #f (lambda (bv pos len) (unless (equal? len 0) (throw 'invalid-null-value)) #nil) (lambda (value) (make-bytevector 0)) (lambda _ (throw 'primitive-type)))) ;(define asn1:int-int ; (make-asn1-type ; "int" 2 ; (lambda (bv pos len) ; (let ((ans (make-bytevector len))) ; (bytevector-copy! bv pos ans 0 len) ; (let loop ((num 0) (off 0)) ; (if (> off len) ; num ; (loop (+ (* num 256) (bytevector-u8-ref bv off)) ; (+ off 1)))))) ; (lambda (value) ; ()))) (define asn1:int-bv (make-asn1-type "int" 2 #t #f (lambda (bv pos len) (let ((ans (make-bytevector len))) (bytevector-copy! bv pos ans 0 len) ans)) (lambda (value) value) (lambda _ (throw 'primitive-type)))) ;(define asn1:enum asn1:int-int) (define asn1:bitstring (make-asn1-type "bitstring" 3 #t #t (lambda (bv pos len) (let ((ans (make-bytevector len))) (bytevector-copy! bv pos ans 0 len) ans)) (lambda (value) value) (lambda (value) (apply bv-append value)))) (define asn1:octetstring (make-asn1-type "octetstring" 4 #t #t (lambda (bv pos len) (let ((ans (make-bytevector len))) (bytevector-copy! bv pos ans 0 len) ans)) (lambda (value) value) (lambda (value) (apply bv-append value)))) (define asn1:object-identifier (make-asn1-type "object-identifier" 6 #t #f (lambda (bv pos len) (when (= len 0) (throw 'invalid-object-identifier)) (let loop ((len len) (pos pos) (value '()) (new? #t)) (if (<= len 0) (if (= len 0) (let* ((vals (reverse value)) (first-identifier (car vals))) (append (cond ((< first-identifier 40) (list 0 (modulo first-identifier 40))) ((< first-identifier 80) (list 1 (modulo first-identifier 40))) (else (list 2 (- first-identifier 80)))) (cdr vals))) (throw 'value-too-long)) (let* ((val (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos)) (cont? (> val #x80)) (val (logand #x7f val))) (if new? (loop (- len 1) (+ pos 1) (cons val value) (not cont?)) (loop (- len 1) (+ pos 1) (cons (+ val (* (car value) 128)) (cdr value)) (not cont?))))))) (lambda (value) (match value ((x y rest ...) (let ((first-byte (+ (* x 40) y))) (apply bv-append (map (lambda (identifier) (define (id-len identifier) (if (< identifier 128) 1 (+ 1 (id-len (quotient identifier 128))))) (let ((bv (make-bytevector (id-len identifier)))) (let loop ((pos (- (bytevector-length bv) 1)) (id identifier)) (if (= pos (- (bytevector-length bv) 1)) (begin (bytevector-u8-set! bv pos (modulo id 128)) (loop (- pos 1) (quotient id 128))) (if (= pos -1) bv (begin (bytevector-u8-set! bv pos (+ #x80 (modulo id 128))) (loop (- pos 1) (quotient id 128)))))))) (cons first-byte rest))))) (_ (throw 'invalid-identifier)))) (lambda _ (throw 'primitive-type)))) ;; Note that a sequence depends on the types of its contents (define* (asn1:sequence . types) (make-asn1-type "sequence" #x10 #f #t (lambda (bv pos len) (let loop ((result '()) (types types) (rest-len len) (pos pos)) (match types (() (unless (equal? rest-len 0) (throw 'invalid-sequence-type)) (reverse result)) ((type types ...) (match (decode-asn1-aux bv pos type) ((value . npos) (loop (cons value result) types (- rest-len (- npos pos)) npos))))))) (lambda (value) (unless (equal? (length value) (length types)) (throw 'incompatible-type-and-value-sizes)) (apply bv-append (map encode-asn1 types value))) (lambda (value) value))) ;; Now these functions are related to parsing or producing DER-encoded values ;; as bytevectors. (define (decode-asn1-aux bv pos type) "Return a value that corresponds to the DER-encoded value of @var{type} in @var{bv} at @var{pos}. The return value is a pair of the decoded value and the new position after reading the bytevector." (define (decode-len bv pos) (let ((first-byte (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos))) (if (> first-byte 127) (let ((num-bytes (- first-byte 128))) (let loop ((pos (+ pos 1)) (num num-bytes) (result 0)) (if (eq? num 0) result (loop (+ pos 1) (- num 1) (+ (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos) (* 256 result)))))) first-byte))) (define (lenlen bv pos) (let ((first-byte (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos))) (if (> first-byte 127) (- first-byte 127); one for the size byte too, so 127 not 128 1))) (define (constructed? type-byte) (not (eq? (logand type-byte #x20) 0))) (define (decode-asn1-array bv pos type) (let loop ((value '()) (pos pos)) (if (= (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos) 0) (begin (unless (= (bytevector-u8-ref bv (+ pos 1)) 0) (throw 'invalid-EOC-length)) (cons ((asn1-type-aggregator type) (reverse value)) (+ pos 2))) (let* ((res (decode-asn1-aux bv pos type)) (val (car res)) (pos (cdr res))) (loop (cons val value) pos))))) (let* ((type-byte (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos)) (constructed? (constructed? type-byte)) (pos (+ pos 1)) (len-byte (bytevector-u8-ref bv pos)) (len (decode-len bv pos)) (pos (+ pos (lenlen bv pos)))) (unless (equal? (- type-byte (if constructed? #x20 0)) (asn1-type-type type)) (throw 'invalid-type-byte type-byte type)) (when (and constructed? (not (asn1-type-constructed? type))) (throw 'invalid-constructed-type)) (when (and (not constructed?) (not (asn1-type-primitive? type))) (throw 'invalid-primitive-type)) (if (and constructed? (equal? len-byte #x80)) (decode-asn1-array bv pos type) (cons ((asn1-type-parser type) bv pos len) (+ pos len))))) (define (decode-asn1 bv type) "Decode the content of @var{bv}, a DER record of @var{type}" (match (decode-asn1-aux bv 0 type) ((value . pos) value))) (define (encode-asn1 type value) "Encode the @var{value} of @var{type} into a DER record represented by a bytevector." (let* ((type-byte (asn1-type-type type)) (type-byte (if (not (asn1-type-primitive? type)) (+ #x20 type-byte) type-byte)) (value ((asn1-type-producer type) value)) (len (encode-len (bytevector-length value))) (type-bv (make-bytevector 1))) (bytevector-u8-set! type-bv 0 type-byte) (bv-append type-bv len value))) (define (bv-append . bvs) "Append multiple bytevectors in a single bytevector." (match bvs (() (make-bytevector 0)) ((bv bvs ...) (let* ((bvs (apply bv-append bvs)) (len1 (bytevector-length bv)) (len2 (bytevector-length bvs)) (result (make-bytevector (+ len1 len2)))) (bytevector-copy! bv 0 result 0 len1) (bytevector-copy! bvs 0 result len1 len2) result)))) (define (encode-len len) "Encode the length in a bytevector, following the ASN.1 specification: on 7 bits if it fits, or the first byte has its most significant bit set, and the 7 remaining bits represent the number of bytes needed to represent the length." (define (nbytes len) "Return the number of bytes needed to represent a number" (if (< len 256) 1 (+ 1 (nbytes (quotient len 256))))) (let ((bv (make-bytevector (+ 1 (if (> len 127) (nbytes len) 0))))) (bytevector-u8-set! bv 0 (if (> len 127) (+ 128 (nbytes len)) len)) (when (> len 127) (let loop ((val len) (pos (- (bytevector-length bv) 1))) (when (> val 0) (bytevector-u8-set! bv pos (modulo val 256)) (loop (quotient val 256) (- pos 1))))) bv))